Saturday, February 28, 2009


1. I met a woman yesterday by the name of Velma Honey! How awesome is that?
2. Going to BWW with friends and meeting new people!
3. Letters from my Dad! I got one yesterday that indicates he's doing very well.
4. Random job opportunities. Karina sent me a link to a job at KOLR 10, but I didn't know anything about it... so, at work last night I was just checking people out like usual, asked for an email address and saw that the man was from KOLR. So, I asked him about the job. He was super nice and said it's a great place to work. Maybe it's a sign?
5. Snow, not ice. Too bad I don't see this one much!

Friday, February 27, 2009

1. Rain. Last night's storm was awesome!

2. Waking up and being productive... laudry (check), first student loan payment (check), rent (check)... yay me!

3. Closing at 10pm. That extra hour is so nice! And even going in earlier is nice.

4. Feeling capable.

5. Having friends tell me which place would be good... come on guys... of the two which do you like? OR what don't you like about them?


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sometimes it always feels like Monday...

Formatting this is proving to be one of the most difficult things I've ever done!

1. Staying in bed even after I've fully woken up.
2. A cold, fluffy comforter.
3. Sleeping with the fan on... when the wearther is warm.
4. My soft, yellow pillow case on the softest pillow ever, that I took off my mom's bed about 3 years ago.
5. Snuggling in to a freshly made bed.

Can you tell what I want to be doing right now? Hint: It's not being awake. :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

1. My boyfriend. He's great... right now he's doing other people's dishes. Why am I on the computer and not helping? Because I am not nice like him. :)

2. The weather. It's so beautiful today! We drove around and looked at places to live... it's between two. We need help:

a) Lake Shore Apartments: 2 bedroom 1 bath, $614 a month with a pool view, cable included, trash included, laudry room, pool, lake and gazebo, super great customer service, near the Palace theatre. Downsides: It's really small... the whole apartment is about the size of our current living room. Also, it has a $200 non-refundable administrative fee... which is weird. Also, the balcony is small... and there isn't a lot of storage space.

b) Jefferson Crossing townhouse: 2 bedroom 2 1/2 bath, $550 a month, garage, small back patio, two stories, ceiling fans in all rooms, big windows, across from Walmart on Campbell... closer to work and school. Downsides: The living room is very small... the rooms are okay sized, but there was no furniture to really judge... cable and utilities are not included... no washer/dryer or laudry facility in site (although there are hookups)... not great customer service.

So, which one would you choose?

3. The Office. I'm on season 4 episode 2nd from the last. I'm sad about this, but what I LOVE is the way Jim keeps fake proposing to Pam. The "Michael Meeting" Propsal was my favorite.

4. Red Potatoes. I'm attempting to make them... the microwave was probably the wrong way to do it. I need Robyn to teach me.

5. Ummmmm... Florida. I miss Florida. I want the nice, white sand between my toes.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

1. Mac and Cheese.

2. The ring Matt made for me that I wear every day.

3. Putting on lotion when my skin is dry.

4. Water... even though I don't drink enough of it.

5. Sleeping till 10am.

Monday, February 23, 2009

It's Monday and I'm tired.

So, I was thinking last night as I watched the Oscars... this happens every year. The thinking. The darn thinking and the tugging and the pulling and the pressure. I love the Oscars. Ever since I was a little kid it has been my dream to be up on that stage some day. So, why am I not? Last night I figured out part of it. I don't know what kind of life I want to have. There are so many options that sound so great! I'm not driven by one dream... and it's making any dream seem impossible. And after living in LA this summer, I'm not sure I'll ever want to go back... and how could I possibly be an Oscar winning actress in my lifetime? How would I even start? I have zero connections. It's heartbreaking. And the worst part is that I'm probably just making excuses so that I don't end up trying really hard and failing.

Okay, so, that wasn't that positive, but I needed to get it out... so here are my 5 things that I love!

1. Eating. I really enjoy food... all kinds of food. Pancakes and bacon are up there on the list.

2. Taking pictures. I'm so thankful for my new camera!

3. The Oscars... okay, that was cheap, since I wrote about it already. So, I particularly love that Slumdog Millionaire got so much praise and that Kate Winslet won!!!!

4. Deoderant. Where would we be without it?

5. Video Games. I've spent so much of my life without them. Why?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Things I love today:

1. Playing Wii, eating pizza, and drinking Cider = a perfect night.

2. Waking up with the sun shining is so grand! Sadly, that won't happen tomorrow.

3. Having a cell phone. I take that for granted, but what would I do without it?

4. My weekend has been wonderful! I'm so happy I didn't have to work yesterday or today!

5. Knowing what I want to do... I'm not quite at this stage, but getting closer. I'm pre-thankful.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Shopping is fun!

1. Spending the whole day searching for Wii products, and not buying any... priceless. :) Such a fun day, though!

2. Cassie. I'm glad you're here.

3. Soy Jeffs are my newest most favoritest drink!

4. Good friends that I work with... you know who you are.

5. Office Desk Calendar.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Today is Friday, for that I am usually thankful.

1. PAY DAY! Oh, yes, I love checking mybank account on Friday! WOOT! YAY!

2. When I woke up this morning I couldn't breathe very well and for some reason I moved my lips and bit the corner of my mouth like so: _______
'' _______
Does that make sense? Anyway, my mouth was over centered and it help me breathe! It was wonderful! So, I'm going to try that every time I wake up like that. :) YAY!

3. A weekend off. It's been a month and I'm super ready to have the whole weekend to do whatever I want! And Cassie is going to be here! YAY!

4. Accidentally getting drunk with roommates. They were drinking and I wanted a shot of Patron. So, I had one. And then one of them gave me two shots of Jim Bean... in like 20 minutes. It was fun to hang out with them. YAY!

5. Beards. I really enjoy facial hair... thank you, Jack, for letting me touch your beard yesterday.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Another day of things I love...

1. My bed. It's warmth is all I need right now.

2. Pepto Bismal. While it may not be a normal thing to be thankful for and loving of, it has helped me just about every day this week. So, thank you, pink liquid.

3. Peanut Butter Cups! I love chocolate and Peanut Butter!

4. Lost... you are the weirest, most confusing show in history, but I love you all the same!

5. Painted toe nails!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 3... doing good!

1. Netflix. Thanks Nicalyse for pointing out how great it really is! I take it for granted.

2. My new camera. It's purple and shiny and takes good pictures!

3. Heat. I love heat! I'm very thankful for heat.

4. Indoor plumbing. I would have been very happy living without it. Plus, outhouses really scare me.

5. My mom! She's so wonderful and crazy and energetic! It's so great to be her daughter!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Things I Love on THIS day

1. That Matt thinks he can tear everything in half... phone books, my Spark Your Career Books, etc. It's so cute.

2. Red Bear. He's been by my side for so long. I've decided if I ever get a tattoo, it'll be of him!

3. Sleeping in.

4. Freedom to Vote.

5. Four Leaf Clovers.

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Friends Are My Greatest Joy

Things I love:

1. That I can now read 2 blogs any time I want, because they're finally set up. And I finally understand how to use this crazy blogger site.

2. Butts. I really enjoy butts... but not mine. My butt isn't a top notch butt. Woops! That was negative. Dang it!

3. Puppies. I really want a puppy... or a kitty... or a duck... or bunny.

4. The Office. Seriously, how could I have waited so long to fall in love with the Office?

5. Nice customers. Thank you for being nice. You are delicous! And make my heart happy.