Thursday, February 19, 2009

Another day of things I love...

1. My bed. It's warmth is all I need right now.

2. Pepto Bismal. While it may not be a normal thing to be thankful for and loving of, it has helped me just about every day this week. So, thank you, pink liquid.

3. Peanut Butter Cups! I love chocolate and Peanut Butter!

4. Lost... you are the weirest, most confusing show in history, but I love you all the same!

5. Painted toe nails!


Ann said...

I have a stash of peanut butter cups in my desk at work. There are only 6 left. I may need to restock soon. I love them too.

CassadillaJones said...

I totally had peanut butter cups at work today. Some nice coworker left a bag of valentine's chocolate (including Reese's hearts) on the lounge table! It was the highlight of my day :)