Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 3... doing good!

1. Netflix. Thanks Nicalyse for pointing out how great it really is! I take it for granted.

2. My new camera. It's purple and shiny and takes good pictures!

3. Heat. I love heat! I'm very thankful for heat.

4. Indoor plumbing. I would have been very happy living without it. Plus, outhouses really scare me.

5. My mom! She's so wonderful and crazy and energetic! It's so great to be her daughter!


Ann said...

You posted this at 444am? Crazy. Today I love tissues with lotion added for my nose, cheese crackers with peanut butter in them, baseball countdowns, and chocolate. Always chocolate.

nicalyse said...

Netflix and Cheetos and writing and owl bags and burgers and cell phones and the perspective to stop myself from making a bad decision - again.

And that the word verification was "harro." I like it.