1. Starbucks' DoubleShot in a can. OH! They're so delicious! I forgot. I used to love Iced Coffee, but they changed the formula or something, but the doubleshot has not changed.
2. Sunlight as a main energy source. When we're on the 3rd floor I'm totally going to have my windows open more.
3. Change. This one is hard for me. I kind of fear and shy away from change, but ultimately it's a good thing and I turn out loving the result.
4. My mommy.
5. The Geico commercials. They always make me laugh. And last night we got a NetFlix that had the money stack with the eyes on its advertisement. Matt put the song on and made the paper follow me. It was really funny.
Emmett. HAHAHA. Clogging! Polkadots. Magazine subscriptions. Being on a boat... a mothereffing boat! (Gotta keep it clean...)
Today: Intrigue. Working WITH Janet (rather than simply being at the store at the same time as Janet). Deep sleep. Soup for lunch. Astrology.
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