Monday, June 29, 2009

Last day in Vegas...

Joy all around:
1. My brother and sister say fabulous.

2. Yummy coffee EVERY morning.

3. Harley dog licking everything. She's so cute!

4. Seeing Bandit.

5. Miss Atomic Bomb from the 1950s. (see summer log!)

6. Eating Cajun chicken fingers at Raising Cane's. Yummy!

7. Watching True Blood with my family... everyone but Matt likes it. It was funny, though. We're all super hesitant to say that we like it. :)

8. Chicken fried steak, asparagus, and mashed potatoes made my Jenny.

9. Walking the dog.

10. Sending postcards.

11. My mom's birthday is today!

12. Being positive and happy about a 20 hour car trip. I'm really tired already, but it'll be a nice drive.

13. This house.

14. Holding Dexter... even if he punched me in the eye.

15. Having the same facial expressions and mannerisms as my sister!

16. Learning things while being a tourist.

17. The kid who sold us tickets to the museum. He was great!

18. Bailey's french toast... I need the recipe.

Summer Log:

58. Went to the Nevada Nucelar Testing Museum. It was AWESOME!

59. Went to my brother/sister's mom's house for her birthday and ate peanut butter pie.

60. At yummy chicken.

61. Started True Blood.

62. OH! Had Bailey's french toast! DELICIOUS! Had great homemade meals.

OOOOOOOOH, I don't want to leave. :(

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Life is good:
1.Family gathering. It was really good to see everyone... like 30 people who are all family.
2. Homemade mint chocolate chip ice cream.
3. DEXTER. My nephew is the cutest thing in the entire world. I got him to stop crying! I'm a good aunt.
4. Playing Quiddler.
5. Great food.

Summer Log:
54. Ate lots of good food with my family.
55. Went to the grocery store in Vegas.
56. Played card games.
57. Watched part of Planet Earth.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Another Day in Vegas

1. Visiting my grandpa for the first time since he's stroke thing... He's doing so well!
2. Taco and Game night at my sister's new house!
4. Cat. I love my sister's cat that I call Cat even though that's not his name.
5. Puppies. I love Bandit and Harley.

Summer log:
46. Banana slurpee.
47. I visited my grandparent's house that I've loved since I was a small child.
48. Looked at pictures from my family before I was even a thought.
49. Taco/Game night.
50. Met my nephew.
51. Toured my sister's new house.
52. Crocheted in Vegas.
53. Woke up and then heard the cutest thing ever: "Bark!" "Shhhh..." " BARK!" "Shhhhh... "BARRRRK!" "SHHHHHH!" Oh, I loved it.l

Friday, June 26, 2009

Trip to Vegas

So, I've pretty much loved every single second of my life since 3pm on Wednesday. So, this might be a long post. :)

1. Getting caught in a crazy rain storm just in time for us to get gas and get on the road. We were DRENCHED!
2. My a/c or some other strange car issue is putting water into my passenger side floorboards... so I couldn't put my feet down without getting them wet. Why did I love this? Because it is a mystery and an adventure.
3. Proving that I can stay awake for over 24 hours!
4. Driving over Hoover Dam and seeing the new/scary/terrifying/beautiful/awesome bridge that will be used to bi-pass the dam soon.
5. Having a delicious lunch with my brother and seeing where he works!
6. Going to the movies with my brother, sister, brother in law, and matt. (Cassie... I saw Transformers, but I want to see it with you too. I was thinking we could watch the first one and then go to the IMAX to see the second one... if you want and you don't hate me. Oh, and I think I asked off the wrong night for Harry Potter... I think I asked off the 15th and it should have been the 14th, but we'll figure it out, right?)
7. In and Out burger!!!!!!! YUUUUUUMMMMMMMMY!
8. Seeing Vegas at night. The lights are so beautiful!
9. Having a nap with a tiny dog laying on my ribs.
10. Getting presents from my brother and sister in-law: ice shot glasses!

That might be all for now. :)

Summer Log:
41. Drove across country... from Springfield, MO to Las Vegas, NV without stopping. Well, Matt drove, but I rode... and stayed awake!!!
42. Conqured my fear of seeing the Hoover Dam bridge... not if I'll be able to drive over it is another story.
43. Saw a movie in Vegas.
44. Ate In and Out Burger within 12 hours of being in town.
45. Slept for 10.5 hours. It's been a loooooooong time since I was able to do that. :) Hooray!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Things I love:
1. Leaving for Vegas TODAY!
2. Madagascar 2!
3. Getting a library card for the first time in Springfield!
4. Postcrossing!
5. Going to sleep early enough to not be exhausted right now! (it might the trip, though)

Summer Log:
38. Got a library card!
39. Watched madagascar 2!
40. Wrote things in my summer log that were already addressed in the regular blog part. :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Things I LOVE!:

1. Water. When I wake up this tired and early, I just need a good drink of ice cold water!
2. 2 more shifts and then I leave for Vegas!
3. The new crochet book that Eureka found! SUSHI!
4. Sleep... I REALLY want to be asleep right now. (Turn arounds are really NOT fun)
5. Matt did the laundry!

(image found:
Summer Log:

37. Finished Jericho. I'm sad that had to end it because I think there was a lot that was unfinished.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Things I adore:

1. Visits from Cassie.
2. Gossip Girl. Eureka reminded me how much I miss it!
3. Stickers with my name on them.
4. 3 more work shifts and I'm off to Vegas!
5. Watching Matt read.

Summer Log:

33. Started a book on the Salem Witch Trials. I'm branching out from Sookie so that my head doesn't explode.

34. Ate a Digorno (sp?) thin crust pizza for the first time. Loved it.

35. Fought a large spider at the Jewlry and Handbag Warehouse. It had me cornered until Cassie came out of no where and attacked!

36. Took razors and a tub to work... because we'd just been to Target and I didn't have my car.
(image found:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Things I am Thankful for:
1. Freaking Sookie Stackhouse. I LOVE these books... and I'm only a little ashamed to fall on every bandwagon that comes along. At least I have something to recommend to customers... and I am not obsessed with Twilight, so I don't have to worry there.
2. Visiting friends.
3. Sonic down the road.
4. 4 more days of work and then VEGAS!
5. Giddy laughter... pointing and laughing at people. :)

Summer Log:
28. Ate Sonic with Cassie and Matt... again.
29. Swam in our pool!
30. Watched Benjamin Button
31. Ate delicious oreo pie made by Cassie... mmmm.
32. Spend the day reading with Cassie and Matt.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Things I am Thankful For:

1. Cool lightning storm

2. Really boring night at work... at least it wasn't super stressful.

3. Selling a ring at the art gallery.

4. Raisinets.

5. Cassie being here!

Summer Log:

27. Learned that summer at work is usually really slow or super busy (no in between) and no one wants cards.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Things I am Thankful For:
1. Two days off resulting in a trip home!
2. Getting paid.
3. Talking to my mom for hours and hours and being happy to do so!
4. Being content to just stay at home with the people I love.
5. Good friends.

6 days until VEGAS!

Summer Log:
19. 2 Sookie Stackhouse books down... more to go!
20. Drove to Kansas City!
21. Got my Oil Changed.
22. Sat in a car for 2 hours while my mom did Real Estate... I got a lot of reading done.
23. Watched 3 movies in a row with my mom! Mall Cop, Ghost Town, and New In Town
24. Ate good food: Thai Restaurant, Taco Buno, Home cooked Roast... ice cream
25. Went to the Natural Market.
26. Learned how to use a lock-box.
27. Looked at houses.

I don't want to upload pictures today... I don't know why I keep feeling like it's too much work.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

In KC, so no pictures today either... another short version post.

2. Driving home by myself... it's nice to be able to sing show tunes and exercise in the car without feeling dumb.
3. Spending time with my mom.
4. Being forced to stay up unil midnight just so we can talk.
5. Late night TV.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Short version because I'm in the process of leaving for work after getting off work last night at 11. Growl. :)

Things I love:
1. Sookie Stackhouse.
2. Matt. (And then Matt saying "Oh. I'm not number 1?")
3. Going to Kansas City tonight to visit my mom!
4. Matt taking extra shifts to help with Vegas in 9 days! NINE DAYS!
5. Sleeping... I look forward to going this tomorrow.

BTW... it's scary outside... lightning, thunder, rain... everything you don't want to drive to work in. :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

A had a whole post... and then this freaked out and it's been like 20 minutes of trying to fix it... so... no post today. Loves you!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Things I am Thankful for:

1. Getting home safe... not falling asleep, not having to pull over to use the facilities, and getting home before the severe weather.
2. 11 days until Vegas!
3. Convincing Cassie to come with me to Vegas instead of going to Mississippi. Tee hee hee... I know it won't happen.
4. Pizza Rolls for breakfast.
5. Losing 3/4 of a lb!

Summer Log:
12. Drove to Lake Ozark by myself and home.
13. Celebrated the engagement of my friend and her man!
14. Ate delicious desserts!
15. Watched a grown man purposefully light a section of the yard on fire... there were a few flames and then it went out.
16. Watched Weeds with Cassie.
17. Explored a foreign Target.
18. Took fun pictures of guys painting a water tower and goats in the back of a truck!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Things I am Thankful for:

1. Really and Truly enjoying my day at work yesterday! It was so weird, but WONDERFUL!

2. 12 days until I meet my nephew for the first time!

3. Vampire fiction... get on the Vampire train!

4. Fun plans for today and a 1/2 day at work!

5. Smiling.

This image (found came up when I searched for Fun At Work. :)

Summer Log:

10. Suprising the Tarbucks girls with presents!

11. Reading almost an entire book in two days... I haven't done that in a LONG time!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Things I am Thankful For:

1. Making my student loan payment early so I won't forget about it!

2. 13 days until Vegas!

3. 1/2 day Saturday, visiting home on Tuesday.

4. Going away dinners that bring new friends!

5. Cassie's response to yesterday's blog... Finding Nemo made me giggle, because I didn't read it as a title... I read it as an action. LOL! :)

6. Not including any of the negative things that I want to complain about on the blog today.

7. Nature.

8. Finding a book I'm REALLY enjoying! I've broken down and started the Sookie Stackhouse series... it's really funny and really good. I'm having a good time with it.

Summer Log:

I was hoping to have something really fun to add to this list today, but my plans didn't really work out. :(

7. Unpacking.

8. Reading for several hours without interruption.

9. Goodbye for now dinner with Elizabeth and Carrie at TGI Fridays.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Today I am thankful for:

1. My memories. I have some really good ones and I'm glad I can reflect on the past.
2. This week being really relaxing except for some minor issues such as staying home sick with horrible pain... But the staying home part was great. I'm thankful for sick time!
3. Learning new skills. I can make crochet rings now! 4. Going away parties.
5. My new summer log! (See below)

Summer Log:

So far this summer I have...
1. Moved in to my new apartment.
2. Celebrated Cassie and Aaron's birthdays!
3. Sat at the pool.
4. Finished 2 books.
5. Went garage sale hunting.
6. Celebrated 3 years with Matt by going to the mall, looking at shiny things, exploring our new neighborhood, eating a great steak dinner, and watching some great movies.

This list will continue as new fun adventures arise!

Summer image found:
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

1. Delicious steak dinner, going to the mall, exploring our new part of town, watching Cheesie movies, reading on the porch... our 3 years!
2. Not getting blown away by bad weather.
3. Going to Las Vegas in 15 days!
4. Feeling like people know me pretty well.
5. Knowing I'm not the only one.

No picture today.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

1. Celebrating my 3 years with Matt!

2. Feeling better... mostly better.

3. Having a day of sitting around watching movies! We watched a few episodes of Jericho, some SouthPark, StripTease, and Surf's Up. Yes, it was a weird day.

4. Optimus Prime! He's staring at me.

5. Plans! I think I get to go to Las Vegas in about 17 days!

Monday, June 8, 2009

1. Cass and Brad's responses on my post yesterday. Both made me smile and giggle a little.

2. Heat packs.

3. Jericho.

4. Knowing Matt is getting suprise stuff for our anniversary. 3 Years on Wednesday!!!

5. Presents.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

1. Losing 17 lbs!

2. Live Every Day With A Smile On Your Face!

3. Communicating.

4. Crocheting.

5. My red chair... that I can't spell.

Image found:,date,2008-06-...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

1. Having a GREAT NIGHT at work.

2. Being invited to Art Walk.

3. Dreams trying to make everything alright.

4. Discovering I don't NEED cable.

5. Winning the lottery (I'm holding out for this one to happen soon).

Friday, June 5, 2009

1. Realizing things.

2. Attempting to take on a role.

3. Self-control.

4. Matt making me breakfast.

5. Being strong.
(The picture comes from: With a quote: Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back -Arthur Rubinstein

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm happy for even my sad days. Today I have a feeling that carried over from last night, into my dreams, and now into my morning. I can't describe the feeling, but I know I've felt it before. It makes me reflective and vulnerable.

I'm thankful for:

1. Days off where I can choose what I want to do. So many of my decisions are based on other people and lately I've just REALLY needed to stop and be with me.
2. Change. I fear it, but it usually ends up being the best step. However, last night I had a dream that I had no job and was going to live at home with my mother.
3. Dead Like Me. Interesting and quirky show. I like it.
4. Last night was the first time I'd been to a health food store in Springfield! I FOUND PIRATE'S BOOTY! I'd been craving that since I left California. I don't know why I didn't stock up! Now we just need a Trader Joe's.
5. Friends. I used to have many who I was a little close to, and now I have a few that I'm a lot close to. Either way, it's nice to know they're there for me when I need them and that I have people to rely on.

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

1. Day off.

2. Scrabbled eggs and bacon for breakfast!

3. Catching up on Heroes... not sure I loved it, though.

4. Dressing like Eureka almost every day without planning it!

5. Sunny days!
Painting by: Masao Ota

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

NEW YORK'S ASHOKAN RESERVOIR: New York City is turning to ultraviolet (UV) technology to supplement its use of chlorine for drinking water disinfection. -David Goehring
Things I am happy about:

1. Sleeping for over 10 hours.

2. Relaxing after work yesterday.

3. Spider Spray.

4. Grilled cheese and turkey sandwich.

5. Water.

Monday, June 1, 2009

1. I had a great weekend! I got to see Aaron and Cassie! We played hours worth of Rockband, had a pot luck, went swimming twice (I sat in the sun... can't find my suit), saw Up, watched a few other movies, went shopping, ate at Ihop and Sonic.... it just keeps going! So much fun! Happy Birthday you two!

2. Taking over 200 pictures in one weekend!

3. Spider spray. When I get home from work I'm going to work on the closet, so all my clothes will be put away and then we'll do the kitchen. SPRAY SPRAY SPRAY!

4. Leftovers.

5. Tudor dreams... they're very weird and scary, but fun when you realize you aren't really going to have your head chopped off.