Saturday, June 13, 2009

Things I am Thankful for:

1. Really and Truly enjoying my day at work yesterday! It was so weird, but WONDERFUL!

2. 12 days until I meet my nephew for the first time!

3. Vampire fiction... get on the Vampire train!

4. Fun plans for today and a 1/2 day at work!

5. Smiling.

This image (found came up when I searched for Fun At Work. :)

Summer Log:

10. Suprising the Tarbucks girls with presents!

11. Reading almost an entire book in two days... I haven't done that in a LONG time!


Unknown said...

Hi BriBri, I found ur personal blog! I also find out u have mention which website u get the image, I think it is good.

CassadillaJones said...

Yay for fun plans!
Why is your first image a pc/mac pic? I kind of heart Mac.

1. My wonderful amazing purple hair straightener.
2. Ice cream pie... I think it will be delicious. And a little secret: It doesn't have any ice cream in it at all! HAHAHA
3. Waking up without my headache.
4. Getting to sleep in (I know you didn't get to do this so I almost didn't put this one but I am really really thankful for me being able to do so today).
5. The relaxedness of summer school (except when there are ridiculous fieldtrips... I think I may call in a sub next Friday, lol!).

Aarone said...

i watched the first four episodes of true blood last night. i am on the vampwagon.