Friday, July 31, 2009

1. Having savings (that I'll buy a computer with... lol)
2. Castle Post Card that is super awesome!
3. Having 7 hours before work... I'll be REALLY tired tonight, but I guess it's okay. Bring on the coffee.
4. Coffee.
5. Friends. True Friends.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm much more tired today than I was yesterday. Thankfully I get to sleep in tomorrow a little... wait, no I don't because Matt opens. AHHHH! :) LOL.

What I'm thankful for:
1. Water.
2. Crazy awesome storms.
3. Good things coming my way... please please please.
4. Vacation soon.
5. Hearing from my sister.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

C- I saw The Ugly Truth... it was alright.

1. Thunder Storms that come in quickly and out of nowhere.
2. Working out in the morning.
3. 2 days off that felt relaxing.
4. Taking pictures.
5. Waking up at 5:15 and getting to sleep until 6:03am!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

1. Going to see a movie by myself for the first time.

2. Chinese Food.

3. Having two days to do whatever I want.

4. Lounging.

5. Reading outside.

Monday, July 27, 2009

1. Matt getting angry with a customer who was mean to me.
2. ;)
3. Eating Tacos.
4. Tequilla.
5. Sleeping...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

1. New colors for my blog.
2. Playing computer games until late at night.
3. Sleeping in/Getting enough sleep.
4. Calendars.
5. Talking on the phone with friends.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

1. Having good friends to work with.
2. Bang (as in hair) approval.
3. Talking to my mom for 1.5 hours this morning.
4. Not being computer stalked by my boyfriend.
5. Postcards!

Friday, July 24, 2009

1. Eating chinese food at the lake.
2. Fresh and clean after a shower.
3. TILT's Gilmore Girl's clip "dirty"
5. Finishing Dead Like Me... what a lame way to end it. Just don't even try if you're going to change actresses. There was no point to the movie whatsoever!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

1. Sleeping until 10:36am.
2. Not being done with the 6th sooki stackhouse.
3. Matt's rubbing my shoulders.
4. Steak dinner.
5. Being happy.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

1. 40 crunches and 10 push-ups already this morning.
2. Knowing I'm going to be skinny and hot. :)
4. Reading all the time. Who needs TV?
5. Something else profound... you pick!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

1. My new comforter! Matt thinks it's really girly, but it's pink and purple and blue... perfect Feng Shui colors for a bedroom in the wealth corner.
2. Reading.
3. Watching Dead Like Me and South Park after doing laundry together.
4. Eat Right For Your Blood Type experiment.
5. Drinking water.

Monday, July 20, 2009

1. Having a day off.
2. Day off.
3. Being off work today.
4. Not having to go to work today.
5. Staying home because it's my day off.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

1. Teen novels... although, the one I just read about a spy school really irked me. I read the first one and LOVED it... (2 years ago, so I didn't notice the crazy amount of lists)... then Cassie bought me the second one, which was good, but didn't even use the same male character, but made reference to him a little, but he didn't even talk. THEN I read the 3rd one and it's like a totally different writer who's starting the series from there! The book introduces a group of bad guys, but doesn't explain who they are. The group attempts to harm some of the girls and after reading all 200 pages we're left hanging as to WHY. Simple question that needs to be answered. PLUS, the good guy from the 2nd book is questionable in the 3rd book and again, barely there. WHAT?
2. I have a day off tomorrow!
3. Freshly made bed!
4. Sleeping. I didn't fall asleep until about 2am, I took Matt to work at 7:30am, and then slept until around 10, but that's just not enough sleep.
5. Niagra Falls in about 19 days!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

1. Sleeping in.
2. Having a date with Matt... even if we did bring dinner home and watch a movie instead of going outside or eating at the restaurant. He'd worked 11 hours so I can't really blame him. :)
3. Finishing a book and starting a new one on the same day!
4. Wishing Cassie safe travels!
5. Dreams of getting big rolls of cash!

Summer Log:
87. Had Chilli's to-go 3 course meal. Delicious!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Good Times:
1. #86 on my summer log!
2. Knowing my friend gets to keep her summer trip and that she's going to have a great time! I wish I could go!
3. Looking for lap tops and knowing the right one will come along!!!!!!! CAN'T WAIT!
4. Having from 7:30pm tonight until 3:30pm tomorrow off of work! That's a long time for working both days!
5. Reading cheesy teen novels.

Summer Log:
86. Matt had to be at work at 8am, so we got up at 6:30am to make breakfast and watch an episode of Dead Like Me! Now I have 3 hours before I go to work and lots of time to myself! Who cares if I'm a little tired?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Oooooooohhhhhhh..... I am having pains. I miss the WB lot so much! The California air and the soft breeze and the time to myself... I miss sitting on the Gilmore Girls set and watching all the people.... oh... my heart.

Here's what I love:
1. IMs with Ann
2. Having a good night at work... 10 cards, being asked to the the closing announcement and getting positive feedback for it, good co-workers.
3. Exercising. I must do more of this.
4. Paying utilities.
5. Being with Matt. *sigh* I <3 him.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

1. Harry Potter last night! Even if we sat in line for 4 hours, then sat infront of the world's rudest girl (she commented that Matt was "the world's tallest man," so I turned around and told her she could move over a seat. To which she replied "wow... wow..." I told asked her how she thought that made him feel and that he couldn't help that he was tall. (he was slouching too!) She just repeated "wow... wow..." as if we'd really put her out.) Despite all that it was REALLY FUN! I enjoyed the movie a lot.
2. Having Cassie in town for less than 24 hours!
3. Eureka commenting her happy things yesterday.
4. Making smart choices.
5. Flove.

Summer log:
85. Went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter 6. Ate Sonic outside and played Quiddler. Met new friends... who I'll probably never see again.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Man, I had some great ones last night and I thought "No, I'll wait until the morning..."
1. Smoothie after work made by Matt.
2. Reading a youth/teen spy book... the second in a series.
3. Having a nice co-worker to get me through work.
5. Smiling.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Feeling a little terrified, but the positive will press on:

1. Positive thoughts.

2. Spending time with my mom.

3. Buying a new dress.

4. Motivation to get skinny.

5. Funny waitresses.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

1. Going to Branson Landing and eating at Famous Dave's BBQ. Delicious!
2. Going shopping with my mom! I got some really cute work clothes!
3. Seeing The Proposal with my mom and Matt. So sweet! I heart Sandra Bullock (sp?).
4. Having my mom stay with me for the first time ever.
5. Sookie Stackhouse obsession.

Summer log:
82. Went to Branson Landing with mom and Matt.
83. Saw movie and went shopping with mom.
84. Ate waaaaay too much salad and soup at Olive Garden.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Good Stuff:
1. Thunder Storms. Wow... that storm last night and into this morning was awesome!!!! Ka-chow!
2. Dinner with Eureka... it'd been a long time!
3. Having my DVDs and sweater back. :)
4. My mom is coming to see me today!
5. 2 days off!

The Summer Log Stuff:
79. Started a new blog: Adventures in Optimism.
80. Ate at Brunos when no one was supposed to be around.
81. Fought spiders and won.

Friday, July 10, 2009

1. Being called "One of the most beautiful people I know," by someone unexpected.
3. Finishing the 4th Stookie Stackhouse.
4. Watermelon as a suprise from Matt.
5. Being able to open today instead of doing the mid-shift.
6. Fan Boys.
7. My nephew.

Summer Log:
77. Read a book along with Cassie.
78. Ate Watermelon and watched Fan Boys.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

1. BIKE RIDE! I rode around the neighborhood behind my apartment for at least one half hour. It was magical!
2. Finding a really cute house. Someday something similar will be mine. :)
3. Being sore. Yay! My body did something!
4. Matt's conversation with me right now about Dead Like Me and Daisy a dollop.
5. Permanent markers.

Summer Log:
77. 5 hours of alone time = 1 hour of the Sims, 1 hour preparing to take and then taking a bike ride, 1 hour showering and paining my toe and finger nails blue, 2 hours reading. YAY!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy Time:
1. Getting off work yesterday after like the craziest day ever.
2. Matt being awake right now because we won't see each other all day.
3. Playing Sims 2 and reading all night.
4. Matt making salmon and aspargus for dinner.
5. Smiling.

Summer log:
nothing exciting enough happened yesterday

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

1. Seeing the first showing of the Hangover yesterday. Early movies are fun. Plus, how crazy is it that at 11am people bought beer from the concession stand?
2. Making sushi. I rolled better than Matt... the first time... then it kind of went down hill.
3. Watching Milk while Megan slept.
4. Being with Matt.
5. Spending 5 days with Cassie!

Summer log...
(see above.)

Monday, July 6, 2009

I'm so happy, 'cause I'm a gummy bear...

1. Having today off!

2. Playing the Sims 3... except now I have to get it!

3. Meeting new people and actually feeling okay about work.

4. Being just a little more like myself last night than I've been in awhile.

5. Having people invite me to church.

Summer log:

75. Played Sims 3, went to sonic, played Sims 3, went to work, went to grocery store, played Sims 3, went to bed. Yepp... that was my day.

The image above is found:

Sunday, July 5, 2009


1. Fireworks after a really long night at work.

2. Rendezvous.

3. Finishing a good book. I'm really close to accomplishing this!

4. Cassie staying until Monday.

5. Most likely having a whole weekend to be alone.

6. Cassie's alarm.

Summer Log:

72. Watched fireworks from my balcony.

73. Worked on the 4th of July.

74. Played Quiddler and ate dinner, while having coffee, with Al, Cassie, and Matt.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Wow... it's really quiet...

I love:

1. RAIN and thunderstorms.

2. The 4th of July.

3. Cassie staying until tomorrow instead of leaving today!

4. Attempting to go to Ikea on the 11th.

5. Strange conversations.

6. Working with Jesse. It just goes better.

Summer Log:
71. Two shots of tequilla and Taco Bell. Image found:

Friday, July 3, 2009

Middle of the night post!!!

1. Tequilla.
2. Cassie and Matt.
3. True Blood.
4. Taco Bell.
5. Cassie's lap-computer.
Enjoying life:
1. Cassie visiting!!!!
2. De. ja. vu.
3. Being able to spell.
4. More True Blood.
5. Trying to be positive.

Summer log:
70. Watched True Blood with Cassie.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Love, Love, Love:

The picture is of my favorite mountain in Beaver, UT

1. Eating at Metro Pizza with Rena, Cory, Jenny, Grandma Kathy, Matt, and my Grandpa Buddy before we got in the car to drive back to Las Vegas.

2. Seeing a fire kind of close. Exciting.

3. It hasn't been an hour since we got up and Matt's already playing video games. I can only blame my brother and brother in law.

4. Seeing my mom!

5. Eating at a great sandwich place!

6. Eating at the Bristol... one of my favorites! I had salmon, lobster mac and cheese, and asparagus!

7. Walking around the Power and Light district.

8. My mom liked her presents!

9. Watching movies: Taken, Inkheart, and the Rocker.

10. Fresh Green Beans.

I know there are soooooooooooo many more things I wanted to write on here, but I couldn't get to a computer.

Summer Log:

The picture is of our route back to Missouri.

63. Drove the northern way back to Missouri.

64. Slept in a McDonald's parking lot in the middle of the day.

65. Watched movies with my mom (see above)

66. Ate great food in Kansas City (see above)

67. Celebrated my mom's birthday!

68. Drove back to Springfield. They changed the road coming in. It's CRAZY!

69. Took Jenny to the airport and saw a fire on the way.