Friday, July 10, 2009

1. Being called "One of the most beautiful people I know," by someone unexpected.
3. Finishing the 4th Stookie Stackhouse.
4. Watermelon as a suprise from Matt.
5. Being able to open today instead of doing the mid-shift.
6. Fan Boys.
7. My nephew.

Summer Log:
77. Read a book along with Cassie.
78. Ate Watermelon and watched Fan Boys.


Ann said...

1. Happy hour with coworkers
2. Starbucks Fridays
3. Pictures of my cousins
4. Big weekend plans
5. Clean cars

CassadillaJones said...

Who called you beautiful unexpectedly?

1. The rain. Thanks Mother Nature for watering my plants.
2. The little bit of picking up and organizing I did in my computer room yesterday.
3. Maybe going to a pool today... if the rain lets up.
4. The ridiculous amounts of reading I've done the past couple of days.
5. New possibilities.

Bri Bri said...

One of my managers!