Sunday, October 11, 2009

1. This awesome blog: ! I don't know her, but she's from Springfield. She's super fun and I love this blog! She has the cutest things!
2. The Office. Jim and Pam's wedding on the Maid of the Mist was SOOOOOO GREAT! I cried. I'll admit it. *Sigh*
3. Matt getting up the last three days with me. It's been really nice. I like it when he makes coffee. :)
4. Vacation starting Tuesday!
5. Your face... whoever may be reading this. Just know that I like your face.

1 comment:

CassadillaJones said...

That blog was really cute!

1. Watching the Office wedding at the same time even though we weren't together.
2. Rice Krispy Treats... I hadn't made them FOREVER because the first time I made them, I burnt the marshmallows or something and they didn't turn out right. But I finally decided to try it again and they are DELICIOUS
3. ONE WEEK until Caysea's wedding! Can't wait to see you all in St. Louis!
4. Sleeping in.
5. Chuck