2. I DESIGNED A HEADBAND! I crocheted it last night and made a bow and it's awesome! Pictures soon. I love it!
3. My Christmas tree... it's so pretty!
4. Matt keeps getting up early to play video games. It's really cute.
5. Dreams and taking steps toward the future.
Haha! Love that I can make you teehee...
Um, call me tomrrow?
1. My mom. I know I have used this multiple times but I truly truly mean it. I found out last night that one my friend's lost her mom over the weekend and of course it makes you reevaluate your own familial relationships.
2. Popcorn.
3. Feeling like I know what I am doing when I clog.
4. People Magazine's Sexiest Men issue. Yum.
5. My 16 fabulous first graders! One of my boys hadn't been at school since Nov. 10th (out of town/across the country funeral) and he came back today and I was genuinely happy to see him and got a big hug from him. Made me smile.
Love you.
1. Coffee
2. Hockey
3. Christmas trees
4. Writing
5. Friends
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