Monday, January 4, 2010

1. Snow! It's so pretty and it gave me a really restful day a work!
2. French pressed coffee... it's really good!
3. Moving. We got our utility bill... yikes. I'm thankful to be able to pay it and that it won't be so bad at the new place.
4. SIMS 3!!! YAY!
5. Penguins.


CassadillaJones said...

I love the snow! It' so pretty.

1. Making a lot of progress on report cards. Only concern right now is getting everything assessed this week to finish them up and get them sent home on Friday.
2. The current weather forecast. They are calling for lots of snow and ice Wed. and Thurs. which might close school and get report cards pushed back. Pray for me?
3. Clogging tonight! I haven't been in two weeks because I didn't make it back on time last week. So excited for Party in the USA!
4. Last night, reading and listening to music in my round comfy chair.
5. Maintaining the clean living room and kitchen! It's been clean almost a week now!
and a bonus:
6. A new stainless steel water bottle for clogging that I get to use for the first time tonight!

Bri Bri said...

I thought you meant to clog the water bottle. LOL!