Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A post for Ann

Happy President Obama day! :) I'm so excited that Barack Obama is officially our 44th President and no one can ever take that away! It's amazing and I'm extremely happy. I feel like it's a great move for our country and for our world. I'm excited to see the changes that happen and what the future brings.

I hope Ted Kennedy is okay. His hat was so great this morning! I really hope that he is okay... and not just because of his hat. That sounded silly, but I really liked the hat and I really like him.

Anyway, I'm getting ansy and might head to ON to buy some shirts before my employee discount expires in two days. I hear there are some good sales at the mall. I don't typically do things by myself, but maybe today is a good day to start!

Sorry for the short post. At least it's not about me being a failure like my last post. LOL!

1 comment:

Ann said...

I kick failure posts and hope you went to Bath and Body Works. Huge sale yesterday out here at least. I like posts.