Tuesday, March 31, 2009

1. My nightmare wasn't real. I still have a whole 60 days to be in this house. Gees... my heart is still beating. I thought we had to move TOMORROW. And we hadn't even leased a place!

2. A day off. I don't think it'll quite get me relaxed and ready for the rest of the week, but the weekend off will be nice.

3. Showers. I am glad to be able to take one whenever I want.

4. Lip gloss.

5. Good health.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Shout out to Kattie. Thanks for being so kind all the time. You really make my day better. :)

What am I thankful for today? There are so many things...

1. The sun has come back and it's pretty warm out. Great for a trip to the zoo tomorrow.

2. I have gotten to see so many good friends this week. It's hard to handle... but in a good way!

3. I got to talk to my Grandpa on the phone. He has a tube in his throat, but I could tell he said "I love you too."

4. I still can't get over Matt cleaning the room. Greatest guy EVER. I need to eat my leftovers.

5. I have a little tiny bit more money than I thought. It's befuddling. But great!

Hoooooooray life! :) Tee hee.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Okay, so my night started off by having a member card thrown at me... but suprisingly I didn't get mad. It's not my fault he's that upset with his life that he has to take it out on a clerk. Seriously! I wonder what's wrong with him?

1. Easter eggs. They're so fun! I'm sad that I don't have a reason to hunt them/ anyone to hunt them with.

2. Erica's birthday! Yay! I'm glad you were born!

3. All my friends being safe and sound... even if they made me worry for several hours.

4. Grandpa's doind much much much better!

5. Cheap air tickets. Cross your fingers that I'll be able to find the ones I need!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

1. Matt cleaned our room.
2. Matt made me dinner.
3. Work was fine.
4. I have good friends.
5. We might be in the championships at work... yay!

No picture today.

Friday, March 27, 2009

1. Aaron coming to town! And visiting Cassie!

2. My Grandpa is able to wake up!

3. Watching Grey's Anatomy on Aaron's lap top.

4. Talking to family.

5. Rain drops.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Grandpa is doing much better, but still has not woken up. Thank you for your concern and prayers. I appreciate you.

1. Rain and storms. I'd LOVE to sit at home and watch a beautiful storm from my window.

2. Home. I love having so many and knowing that I am loved in so many different places.

3. Aaron. I'm so happy he's here!

4. Sore legs after working out yesterday! I blame the lunges.

5. Finding small presents... I found a graduation cap my mom gave me a long time ago (before my college graduation) and I never did anything with it... until last night.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

1. My Papa is doing MUCH better! Praise the Lord. And thank you for your prayers.

2. Earrings. I love them, but I rarely wear them.

3. The ability to write. Spelling leaves me sometimes... and grammar... but at least I can communicate through writing.

4. My cell phone. Not only does it have a picture of me and Matt and me and Red Bear, but it is also my life-line. What would I do without it???

5. Paper. I love paper and office supplies.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I want a cupcake, please. :)

Could everyone please keep my Grandpa in their thoughts/prayers/heart/whatever you want? He had a stroke on both sides last night and is in the hospital. He's unable to wake up, but is just sleeping, not in a coma. He's able to move his hands and talk a little. So, they aren't really sure what's going on. Thank you!

1. My Grandpa. He's a great man who I look up to. His heart is very big and he likes everyone and is liked by everyone.

2. Good friends. Example (one of many): When I entered the store today my friend looked at me and said "Hug?" She gave me a great hug and new exactly how to make me feel a little better. So, yay friends!

3. Finding an apartment... well, we're close to deciding! YAY!

4. Pizza.

5. Cupcakes.

Monday, March 23, 2009

1. Funny customers that allow me to have good stories to tell. For example: At work a customer decided to go on a ranting rampage about Walmart and how he/she hates sales pitches and how he/she is going on a vacation and that our manager can put all that in his pipe and smoke it. WHAT? She was crazy... and left us with a good story. At a different store, Target, I was a customer and I moved my cart for a small family to fit down and out the isle. Well, they didn't go out. They STOPPED their CART right in front of me totally blocking me in and didn't even LOOK UP! They stood their talking about some food and decided not to buy it. I couldn't even get to the wall I was looking at to put my item back. If there had been a fire I would have panicked! I was trapped! But it's also kind of a funny story. I mean, really, how can you be so blind?

2. I love my camera. Although, Kodak Easy Share is not so easy.

3. The Post Office. I get to go there today so that I can mail my post cards to other countries! YAY!

4. Some very attractive guy with a cool name from Macedonia added me as his friend on Facebook. No clue who he is, but I accepted him onto my limited profile. I can't read anything on his site, because it's not written in English. LOL.

5. Warm air and sunshine.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Matt's snoring is distracting me...

Okay, I really hate waking up before 730. 730 is EARLY, but getting up at 6! Crazy!?! I was putting my schedule on the board for next month and I have mainly opens!NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I have the most of all the HCs and I like it the least. *sigh* But I'm thankful to have a job!

1. I'm thankful for water. I need to drink more of it.
2. I'm thankful for cell phones. What did I do before I got one?
3. I'm thankful for book fairs that bring in nice customers and make me smile.
4. I'm thankful for my Naturally Anti-Bacterial made of Bamboo Plush Monkey, Lou.
5. I'm thankful for Zio's and dinners with Karina.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Woah! I just found out that Oprah is going to put Ellen on the cover of O! I'm super excited about that! Thanks, Aaron! And I can't wait to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What I'm happy about:

1. My green dress. So comfy. I'm wearing it to work today.

2. I just have today and tomorrow to work and then I get a day off! Half way there!

3. Sending Postcards to people I don't know! I can't wait to get one back!!!

4. Having dinner with a good friend and talking for an hour and a half without realizing it'd been very long.

5. Media phenomenons... such as Twilight. I try so hard not to get wrapped up in them, but I do! And today is going to be CRAZY! I'm excited to see everyone's happy face as they come through my line. I hope they don't punch me for asking them about the card. LOL! (Oh, and how ridiculous is the above picture? I am not attracted to it at all... I don't understand that aspect of the whole ordeal!)

Friday, March 20, 2009

There's a lot to be happy about today!

1. I had a good time at work last night... it reminded me why I enjoyed the job to begin with. Customers were nice and I got a decent amount of cards. So, it was nice and I had a bit of energy when I left. Of course, I was starving and I totally blew any healthy eating I'd done for the day, but that's okay, I guess.

2. Chelsea shared the absolute coolest website with me! http://www.postcrossing.com/ It's called PostCrossing and basically what you do is send a postcard to a random person somewhere in the WORLD (my first one is going to Finland) and then you get one back from anywhere in the world! Isn't that awesome? I'm so excited! You can send 5 at a time, but I'm holding off on my other 4 until I see how this works. The other cool thing is that you can use a Post Card Creator that they have on the website to send whatever picture you want. It's $2.99 a card for anywhere in the world and $0.20 goes to a charity of your choosing. So, that's awesome too! Check it out!

3. Spring is in the air. I love the way the sun feels against my skin... I miss the desert for this reason. And going to Florida. Oh! I'd love to just lay on the beach every day and listen to the waves hit the shore.

4. I currently have a pink fuzzy blanket wrapped around me. It's cozy and warm and amazing! And I'm listening to Duffy. Matt is asleep and it's a really funny scene, I think.

5. New possiblities. I've been in a funk lately and yesterday I saw myself coming out of that. I was inspired by a certain co-worker with brand new red hair. She came bounding up the isle with a huge smile on her face and a spring in her step and gave me a hug. I want that feeling again and I can see it just ahead of me. So, that's good.

Anyway, I wrote a ton... I hope you have a great day!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

1. Creating a new photo website! I don't know what it is, but I get giddy when creating new websites and when sharing photos. I love pictures! Anyway, go here: http://xoxobrianna.shutterfly.com/
2. Working out and losing 1.1 lbs! Yay me! It's better than gaining, anyway.
3. Mac and Cheese. Mmmmm delicious!
4. Sleeping. I wish I didn't hit snooze so much, but I really adore sleeping.
5. My foot not being asleep and my head not hurting. Finally!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I did 10 yesterday and I don't feel like doing any today. I don't feel good... I didn't sleep... there were like 100 interuptions... I've no motivation... and my bank account is lower than I thought. Rar.

1. My reindeer glass. I love it. It's pretty.

2. Taco Bell. Delicious.

3. Matt.

4. Having the day off.

5. Mario Galaxy. The picture shows how I feel.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Being Thankful

1. I'm thankful to have a job.

2. I'm thankful for chocolate... even if I have limited my intake.

3. I'm thankful I only spend $1.18 yesterday.

4. I'm thankful I have a reliable car. (Matt's tire is flat. I'm thankful I can help him with that.)

5. I'm thankful that I can give up soda. This is day 2. I went 5 days last week and had a drink/eat whatever I want weekend. So, I guess I'm starting over.

6. I'm thankful for tooth paste.

7. I'm thankful for clean water.

8. I'm thankful I've seen the Ocean.

9. I'm thankful that I have control over my own actions.

10. I'm thankful for this computer.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Today is another one of those days where I feel draggy and tired and I'm in a rather bad mood. These are the days that are the hardest to think of 5 things to be thankful for, but the days I need to the most. Here we go...

1. I'm thankful that my Dad is out of trouble and I am starting to have a relationship with him again.

2. I am thankful for the people I have known in my life... even if I don't speak with them often, they're still in my heart. At this moment I am thankful to know Kevin and Sherri.

3. I love the Beatles. I am glad that they have not faded at all. It would have been AWESOME to see them perform.

4. I love watching Matt sleep... it makes me jealous, but he's so cute!

5. I'm thankful for cars and gas. Without them I wouldn't see Cassie so much!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

1. Parties with people at them! 30 ish! Yay!

2. Pinata. I enjoy smashing little green men.

3. Cassie's wonderful sense of humor.

4. The idea of going to Ihop. Maybe it'll happen? I just have to stop spinning.

5. Not throwing up. YAY! I win.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

1. Fun dreams about boys who cry over me.

2. Making Pot-O-Gold cupcakes! Delicious!

3. Decorating for a fun party tonight!

4. Cameras that don't lose my pictures (unfortunately, mine does not fall in this category right now.)

5. Cassie's here!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Okay, I am thankful for my job, but seriously... why do I have to be up so early? And is it getting darker each morning... I think it is. :)

1. I found a beer that I actually like! Kasteel Rouge.

2. I have an idea for a Screen Play.

3. Cassie's coming to town today!!!!!

4. St. Patrick's Day party tomorrow!

5. I have the weekend off, so I can sleep!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What am I thankful for today?

1. Matt.
2. Iced Green Tea.
3. Friends who post what they're thankful for.
4. Yesterday is gone.
5. My mini-four leaf clover kit. I hope it brings a real one.

(When my internet works, I will upload a picture for this post)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wow... it's early... and I didn't sleep at all. Literally it was at least 4am before i feel asleep for any good length of time. That's 5 hours of rolling around doing nothing. So, this one's going to be hard.

1. I love my new green nail polish.

2. I love IBProfen.

3. I love Sparks. Delicious and contains alcohol.

4. I love text messages from my brother.

5. I love that I have planned to go see Dexter on his first birthday.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My day off... always something to be thankful for!

1. Yesterday was day 1 of my trying to get healthy. I did really well and had LOTS of energy! And I found out I'm 20lbs lighter than I thought! That's really fun!

2. I'm really excited about Erica's cupcakes! (No, this does not contradict #1.)

3. Matt cleaned the room up a bit, and I felt happy enough with it to let Jacque come in and watch part of a movie before she fell asleep.

4. The sirens didn't go off last night. Tornadoes scare me enough when it's not the middle of the night.

5. I talked to Chelsea! That always puts me in a good mood!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Two Days

My internet was down, so I couldn't write yesterday. It was so sad!
Okay, so yesterday I loved:

1. Sitting at Target with Matt and Megan!
2. Reading the book Erica lent me!
3. My mom coming to visit for like 5 minutes.
4. Nice customers.
5. Having fun people to close with.

Today I love:

1. Being warm.
2. Irish tunes on Matt's Ipod.
3. Having internet again.
4. Mountain Dew.
5. Duck Tape Roses.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

1. Television and Internet. They were out this morning and it was like "AHHHH! What do I do now???" Mainly because I wanted to post on here and clean my room. We're trying to rearrange stuff for the party and sort stuff for when we move.

2. Food. Right now I'm extremely hungry. I think I'll have either some vegetables or a Smart Ones breakfast sandwich.

3. Weekends off. I am totally looking forward to the upcoming weekend off! Hooray!

4. Rainbows. The picture on my new favorite blog: http://acrossmo.blogspot.com/ is gorgeous!

5. St. Patrick's day. I can't wait!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Sometimes my body reacts against me and my emotions run wild. Today is one of those days. My body aches with saddness and my head won't stop thinking about things out of my control. It's a vicious cycle that had me hit snooze for over an hour. So, that's when this blog really comes in handy. It helps me remember the reasons that I fight to get out of this feeling and get back to normal.

So, here's what I love:

1. Ellen: I love how she does so much for the most random people, how she dances every day, how she's okay with being quirky, and how she's always fun. I love watching her show because it inspires me.

2. Soda: I'm trying to drink just one a day, but I love it, so it's a definite sacrifice.

3. My owl purse: It's so cute and I get tons of compliments on it. A big thank you to my friends who gave it to me.

4. Coffee: I want some right now. Darn it that Matt's gone.

5. My new favorite snack: Turkey wrapped around celery and cream cheese. YUMMY!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

1. Stephen Colbert. Funny, handsome, and distinguished. It doesn't get any better.

2. Making paper flowers. They're so pretty and I'm totally going to use them in a very special day of mine in the future.

3. Talking to friends on the phone and computer who live many miles away.

4. Eating steak. I would really like this one to be true right now.

5. Finding a cappachino frosting recipe! Here comes something delicious!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

1. Dreams that are really interesting and I can remember when I wake up.

2. Irish Car bombs.

3. My elephant necklace, Georgie.

4. Chelsea. She's so creative and is always inspiring me to do things.

5. The Office. My heart misses it greatly.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

1. Making paper crafts! I made a flower and started on some spirit pins for my March Madness team at work yesterday.

2. Cupcakes... I could go for a mocha cappachino cupcake right now.

3. Daylight Savings Time's Fall Back... not really a fan of Spring Forward, though.

4. My other blog: http://acrossmo.blogspot.com/

5. Having my own place... I can't wait!

Monday, March 2, 2009

1. The thrill of something new.

2. I asked Matt what I love and he said, "Me, Wii (Thanks, Cassie), Cassie, french fries, coffee, red bear, Zune, Ding Dongs (that's not true... wait, the cupcake, yes)...

3. Take 5 bars... yummmmy! 100 Grand is my favorite candy bar and Zero bars are also up there! And Reese's. MMMMMMMM.

4. The mail. I especially like checking it and finding things for me!

5. Looking for places to rent. I found some really good ones last night. Wish me luck!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

So sleepy... wants to cry

Things I love:

1. Cupcakes. I believe it would be the coolest thing in the world to own my own cupcake/cake store.

2. Playing Rockband with friends and singing super obnoxiously.

3. Red Bear... he's my bear from when I was 3. He's still in great shape... just a little faded.

4. Elipses. ... ... ....

5. Aaron. I miss him and wish we could talk more.