Thursday, March 12, 2009

What am I thankful for today?

1. Matt.
2. Iced Green Tea.
3. Friends who post what they're thankful for.
4. Yesterday is gone.
5. My mini-four leaf clover kit. I hope it brings a real one.

(When my internet works, I will upload a picture for this post)


Kattie said...

You are enjoying every moment of the life, ain't you? <3

Ann said...

Today's list: pomegranate blueberry juice, cheap plane tickets, trivia night, cherry lip gloss, and getting enough sleep.

CassadillaJones said...

Telephones. "How To Draw..." worksheets. Chocolate. The sun. And the ability to see color.

nicalyse said...

See my blog! Also, clean kitchens, recycling, cupcake plans, good kitties, and having better control over my emotions lately.