1. Funny customers that allow me to have good stories to tell. For example: At work a customer decided to go on a ranting rampage about Walmart and how he/she hates sales pitches and how he/she is going on a vacation and that our manager can put all that in his pipe and smoke it. WHAT? She was crazy... and left us with a good story. At a different store, Target, I was a customer and I moved my cart for a small family to fit down and out the isle. Well, they didn't go out. They STOPPED their CART right in front of me totally blocking me in and didn't even LOOK UP! They stood their talking about some food and decided not to buy it. I couldn't even get to the wall I was looking at to put my item back. If there had been a fire I would have panicked! I was trapped! But it's also kind of a funny story. I mean, really, how can you be so blind?
2. I love my camera. Although, Kodak Easy Share is not so easy.
3. The Post Office. I get to go there today so that I can mail my post cards to other countries! YAY!
4. Some very attractive guy with a cool name from Macedonia added me as his friend on Facebook. No clue who he is, but I accepted him onto my limited profile. I can't read anything on his site, because it's not written in English. LOL.
5. Warm air and sunshine.
Today I love coffee and side braids and flowers blowing off the trees and planning spring clothes and my impending birthday!
:) Thank for your comment. It helps me a lot. Today, I feel much better...and I'm trying to consider things optimistically.^^!
Nice day Bri Bri
The wind. New pants. Comfy shorts. Sticking up for myself. Not having to have the heater on.
The smell of the rain, leaving my windows open, cupcakes (yeah, I had another one), yogurt, and college basketball.
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