Thursday, April 9, 2009

1. Working out with Tai Chi and yoga!

2. Venture Brothers!!!

3. Being approved for an apartment! Having a place to live!

4. Eating burgers made by Matt!

5. Spending all day with my wonderful boyfriend who makes me very happy!


Ann said...

Finding a new apartment, talking to my sister who graduates from Marine basic tomorrow, cake from the cafeteria, happy hour with coworkers, and G2 Gatorade.

CassadillaJones said...

Yay! New apartment approval! YAY!

Sleeping a long long time, interesting dreams, working at school when nobody is there (creepy but fun), ice chillers, and popcorn.

Kattie said...

ooh,im so lazy...just lying on bed,kaka. It's 2am here, and Im so hungry and I see you are eating now :((

Aarone said...

hey! my brother's internship was with the company that makes venture brothers! congrats on the apt. warm showers, the comfy shirt i'm wearing, no more anatomy lab for the year, lost, sleep.