1. Ending the night with a smile on my face.
2. Making lists... last nights were what I need to buy today!
3. Getting money... come on universe, send me some money.
4. Knowing that the apartment will be feng shuied. (Is that the proper spelling? Feng Shui + ed?)
5. Eureka coming to see me at work just because.
And my newest and maybe my cutest bot.
You call her Eureka? Nice.
Today I love mini cinnamon rolls, new jobs, productivity, beaches, and baseball.
Mmmm... I can't wait either. I will check the balance of my financials... I know it's not pretty. BUT... I am coming for the yard sale so maybe we can make bukoo bucks there and be rich enough for sushi that weekend despite the current state of my account? I can hope, anyway. If not... then totally the housewarming/birthday weekend extravaganza! HOW IS IT ALMOST JUNE?!?
I heart you. And today I appreciate:
margaritas, random texts, teacher appreciation gifts, hugs, and delcious lunches provided by parents! (And as always though not always stated: YOU)
Because I like your face.
Notecards and rubber stamps, choosing fabric and ribbon, new books in a series, wearing Grandma's scarves, green bean fries, seeing people I adore.
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