Saturday, May 2, 2009

This one is hard... I had a really terrible day yesterday and just want to be happy.

So, here's what I love:

1. True friends who don't start drama all the time.

2. Taking pictures of the house and the rain.

3. Fro Yo from Ben and Jerry's... and eating it at midnight.

4. When Matt takes me to work and picks me up and brings me Fro Yo.

5. Thunder Storms.


nicalyse said...

White chocolate. Sleeping in. Astrology. Book loan at work. Pending hot tub luau (the hot tub is coming soon, and there's a ton of luau stuff at WalMart!). Used books. Clean kitchen. Planning giant salad lunch. Working with you tonight. Your face. For serious.

CassadillaJones said...

Thunderstorms. End of school countdown. Fresh clean laundry. My new sheets. Dr. Pepper. The Cardinals. St. Louis. Springfield. The Lake. My home(s). Escapay.