Wednesday, June 17, 2009

In KC, so no pictures today either... another short version post.

2. Driving home by myself... it's nice to be able to sing show tunes and exercise in the car without feeling dumb.
3. Spending time with my mom.
4. Being forced to stay up unil midnight just so we can talk.
5. Late night TV.


CassadillaJones said...

1. Payday in three days.
2. Summer school payday a week after that.
3. Mississippi trip quickly approaching.
4. Harry Potter coming out soon.
5. What I Like About You dvred for me each day

nicalyse said...

Day off from work, going somewhere and having some anonymity, being n a bookstore without feeling like I have to talk to someone or fix something, getting things done!, reading un-serious things in the hot tub and deciding that this is my policy from now on, eating dinner at 1 am, spending an entire evening in my house alone, and your face.

Ann said...

1. Road trips
2. Spontaneous evenings with friends
3. Eyeliner
4. Sprite
5. Sunflower seeds