I was going to post a bunch of great things because I had a bunch of great things to post. Here they are:
1. I lost 8 lbs (apparently my scale hates me because it said I gained 13 lbs since last night... and since the 8 lbs was like "seriously? wow, that's amazing!" I have to believe that the bigger number is true. :( Good news is I only gained 5lbs since the last contest.
2. It's raining.
3. 1 day left at work until a day off.
4. Bought healthy food.
5. Worked out already (oh... but I haven't because I'm depressed about the stupid scale. I was so excited and happy and ready to keep going... this is a fatal blow.)
STOP! Five more happy things to counteract the negative parenthesis on the last happy thing. NOW.
1. Real World tonight
2. Beatles Rockband in one week.
3. Season 5 of The Office on Tuesday
4. Talking with my landlords. They've been gone or had visitors most of the summer.
5. Taking my lunch to school the past two days because I really think part of the reason I gained so much weight was the school lunches I ate daily.
6. Trip to the grocery store yesterday.
7. Edamame.
8. Two and a Half Men
9. My words of the day. I feel smarter already.
10. Anticipating restarting the EA Active 30 Day Challenge. So that I can kick ass in the current competition.
Congratulation! your diet was successful. I think I have to call my mum diet too.... she was a bit overweight.
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