1. Dreaming about Glee! I love that show. I need it! I miss it!
2. Dexter's Halloween outfit! See: http://acrossmo.blogspot.com/
3. Having the day off!
4. Going to shop for Halloween deals! (Thanks for the heads up on candy, Cassie! I would have forgotten!)
5. Craft ideas and selling my first hat!
I like the new colors!
1. Glee soundtrack. It's fabulous!
2. Starting something new.... Mary Kay. I went with it. What am I thinking?!?
3. Crazy plan to drive to Rogersville Tomorrow.... Again, what am I thinking?!?
4. Edamame for dinner. One of my faves because it's good, satisfies my salt craving, and it's so stinking easy!
5. Lots of compliments on my tiara and dress today. Yes, I wore my tiara to school. Yay for spirit days.
I want the Glee soundtrack! And I'm happy for your new adventure!
Dude, your blog is BRIGHT now.
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