Tuesday, March 31, 2009

1. My nightmare wasn't real. I still have a whole 60 days to be in this house. Gees... my heart is still beating. I thought we had to move TOMORROW. And we hadn't even leased a place!

2. A day off. I don't think it'll quite get me relaxed and ready for the rest of the week, but the weekend off will be nice.

3. Showers. I am glad to be able to take one whenever I want.

4. Lip gloss.

5. Good health.


Ann said...

I love animal crackers and straight hair and instant messages and good music and fingernail polish.

nicalyse said...

I love minestrone and borrowed boots and sunshine and cheese puffs and the potential for a nap!

Kattie said...

yes, just a nightmare :)
Everything's fine!^^

CassadillaJones said...

Scary. Love you. Needed to read a list of positives. Debbie Downer today. Boo.

I love silly putty, tortellini, gummy life savers, target ads, and wearing socks.

CassadillaJones said...

I just wrote a LONG post and now it won't post because it says, "URL contains illegal characters" and I don't even know what that means! I keep trying and it just won't work. I even opened a new window and started from scratch. So check xanga for my latest.