1. The Ellen Show! I love Ellen! She's consistently one of the top 10 things I am thankful for. YAY ELLEN!
2. Working out! Especially stretching... oooh... stretching!
3. Eating mexican with Erica! (I'm not in love with the fact that she's leaving for a week... fyi)
4. Watching movies all night. We watched The Day the Earth Stood Still (the 50s version... much better than the new one story wise) and Water Horse. Random... we know.
5. Getting money. I may not want to go to work, but I'm happy to have a job and a paycheck. And really my job is pretty good... like we say "My job would be great if it weren't for the customers!"
I would apologize, but I am really, really not sorry. Today I love getting off early and frappuccinos and buying books and the beautiful weather and opening the windows for kitties and knowing that I can sleep ALL DAY TOMORROW.
Target Ad Wednesday! Planning field trips! Purple shirts! Ice Cream Cake! THE SUN! It's the first time I've seen it in days... finally it's come out from behind the clouds!
Such a lovely inspiring cartoon
Today I love Starbucks and baseball (still, I know) and beautiful days and my dry erase board and seeing my sisters tomorrow.
And you. But always you.
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