Tuesday, December 22, 2009

1. Saturday Night Live! I seriously LOVE this tv program. It's so funny. And I know that other people have LOVED it for so long, but I am just now REALLY getting into it.
2. CHRISTMAS IS ONLY A FEW DAYS AWAY! I am excited because I'm not at work today. I have today off, I open tomorrow, then I'm at home in KC with my mom until Friday night! Then I close at work on Saturday and have Sunday off... not sure why, but I'll take it! :)
3. The house is pretty clean and smells like fresh laundry. (Yay scent sprays!)
4. James Franco. Attractive. Funny. Likeable. I bet that he and I would be friends if we'd have had classes together or something.
5. Um.... food! I don't know what I'm gong to eat, but it's going to be really tasty. I'm hungry.

OH! And we won our apartment decorating contest! We get $100 off our rent for January!

Here are some pretty Christmas things:

1 comment:

CassadillaJones said...

I heart James Franco!
And WOW! $100 off! That's AWESOME!

1. Hip Hop Reindeer was a HUGE success.
2. The Proposal... it cracks me up!
3. Participating in a cookie exchange... I have lots of tasty treats and I only had to make one kind!
4. Dotty. She is a great dane I met tonight. She's freaking huge! And super sweet. I want a great dane.
5. Bed. So excited to sleep tonight....