1. Having yesterday entirely too myself and not once feeling sad or depressed about anything!
2. The Office Clue game. So much fun!
3. My mom is picking me up to take me home as soon as I get off of work!
4. One of my calendars still says November.
5. Fresh coffee brewing. Oh it smells good!
One of my calendars still says November. And my Office Quote day calendar is still on November 14/15... I stink!
Office Clue! Does that mean you got it?!? Bring it to New Years!
1. Going home soon.
2. The car is almost packed.
3. Having almost two full weeks off.
4. Christmas cards in the mail.
5. Seeing my wonderful grandparents.
I want two full weeks off. My Office Day Calendar is still on Jan 1. We didn't tear off the pages. :) I will bring Office Clue!
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