Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm feeling much better!

(But I don't want to go to work... another day off would be nice.) :)

1. Orange Juice
2. Vit B
3. Laying on the couch all day watching movies and reading! I love Elf and Harry Potter. Observe and Report was okay.
4. Jimmy Johns.
5. Matt.

1 comment:

CassadillaJones said...

1. Secret Santa week at school! I can't wait to give my secret person their gifts.
2. Wii Fit Plus. I took it all home for Thanksgiving and my brother currently has a bunch of the high scores. I have a lot of playing to do before taking it home for Christmas! I can't let him have high scores.
3. A few movies coming out that I want to see.
4. Having new glasses. Because I am pretty sure I have something wrong with my eye (it's either pink eye or some other infection) and shouldn't be wearing my contacts. I don't think it's pink eye though based on my previous experiences with pink eye.
5. Watching Scrubs. So funny!