1. I check out the Niagara Falls Webcam every day! I love looking at this waterfall every day! How great is it that technology allows us this experience?
2. Matt woke me up with breakfast this morning! Awwwww!
3. Seeing Chelsea, thrift stores, Andy's, Muppet Christmas Carol, Karina
4. Putting up Christmas lights and having the possibility of getting money off of our next month's rent!!! NEED IT!
5. Talking with Cassie and Jenny on the phone! Hooray!
1. The funny but awkward experience of telling explaining why I took out somebody else's trash.
2. Cookies that I baked.
3. After testing today, realizing that my kids really ARE making reading progress...
4. Cry of the Celts. It's a song we dance to. It's crazy. But awesome.
5. The amazingly sublime feeling I felt when I woke up that waking up nearly ruined. I mean, my pillow had just the perfect indentation for my head, my fluffy comfy comforter was just rightly cocooned around my body, my sheets were not in a pile at the bottom of the bed but actually between my body and the comforter where they are supposed to be, my arm wasn't asleep, I could go on... it was just perfect and SO SO SO sososososo hard to get out of.
You apparently should have just stayed in bed....
Yes I should have.
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