Saturday, December 19, 2009

Yay! Matt did it! Life can move forward again!

1. Dinner at RedLobster (or "The Lob" for those SNL fans out there!) with my mom and Grandma on Thursday night!
2. Snow... I hope it sticks!
3. Matt's family coming to graduation and eating dinner with us at Arris Pizza... which is actually really good and I hope that people come visit so I can take them there!
4. The Sign Off! Go Bubs!
5. Hmm.... let's see... Matt graduated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


CassadillaJones said...

I love the Bub's!
And we have an Arris' here! And I LOVE them! AND they have on in Columbia. They are fabulous, aren't they!

1. Sleeping in and having no priorities.
2. Mmmm... fried mushrooms.
3. Had a lot of fun last night going out with G for her husband's 40th with a B friend (but not THE B, you, lol) and two Cs.
4. Jelly Belly jellybeans! Yum.
5. Movie day on Monday! We get to go watch The Polar Express and wear jammies to school!

Unknown said...

cool pic!