Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yesterday was just okay... :)

1. Watched 5 episodes of Ghost Hunters. I really like that show now! They are trying to find logical reasons for the strange occurances, and I like that.
2. Owl stuff... like this from

3. Sleeping... I miss my bed right now.
4. Going to see New Moon toight with co-worker friends.
5. 15 days until Matt is a college graduate.


CassadillaJones said...

I think you will like New Moon. At least I hope you do. I liked it better than Twilight which I thought was funny because it was my least fav. book.

I wish I could get you the owl shower curtain! It's totally cute!

1. My strange dream last night. I've been smiling most of the day... :)
2. I rearranged my classroom today and it looks like twice as big!
3. The possibility of getting a ton of school and housekeeping things done while under the self-imposed financial house arrest.
4. Groceries in my fridge! I wish I felt like cooking more often. Maybe tonight.
5. New Years is coming up! You guys coming?

Bri Bri said...

1. Your dream was really weird. :) And funny!
2. Awesome! You already have a big class... so cool!
3. Kind of jealous... not going to lie.
4. Also jealous.
5. Yes... as of right now. I hope nothing changes. 3 years in a row is pretty awesome! Maybe I'll have Office Clue (I'm planning on buying it tomorrow with my discount!)